Our Sunday Visitor has been chosen as our Online Giving provider. Our Sunday Visitor serves millions of Catholics worldwide through its publishing, offertory and communication services. Our Sunday Visitor is a not-for-profit organization, donating a portion of net earnings back to the Catholic community through the OSV Institute. They also boast the highest security standards and most flexible capabilities for Online Giving.
Online Giving payment options include: MasterCard, Visa, Checking Account, Savings Account.
If you have not yet signed up for Online Giving, please consider this method of contribution. Online Giving can stand on its own as a means of donation or can be used in conjunction with your regular offering envelopes and offers additional benefits for you as a giver.
Some of these benefits include:
*No need for writing checks
*Option to remain anonymous
*Financial planning allows you to align your paychecks with your parish's offertory schedule
*Allows you to give even if you are unable to attend parish services
*Contribution amount is easily adjusted
*Credit card option allows you to take advantage of any benefits such as airline mileage or cash bonuses
*Use Online Giving in conjunction with offering envelopes
*No need to share confidential credit card or bank account information with parish staff; enter it directly into the Online Giving secure site
If after signing up you decide you do not wish to continue giving online, you are able to discontinue at any time. Donation amounts, frequency of giving, and account information are easily adjusted and in the complete control of the giver.
The FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions) on the Online Giving option may answer many of your questions about Online Giving.
Here are some of the common questions parishioners have asked:
Q. If I sign up for Online Giving will I still receive the envelopes in the mail?
A. You may still receive the envelopes to use during mass if you'd like. Simply check the "I gave Online" Check Box on the envelopes.
Q. Will the second collections be listed on the Online Giving website?
A. You will have the option to set up a recurring amount for second collections or individual amounts for each collection that month.
Q. What if I don’t know my envelope number?
A. We will add your envelope number after you sign up for an account.
Q. When I send an email from the Online Giving website, who receives it?
A. Dawn MacDonald, our Account in the Parish Office.
Q. Can I get a receipt after making a donation?
A. You may print a statement at any time. Go to “My Online Giving History” for a printable record of your donations. In addition, the Parish Office will continue to send the “end of year statement” in January with your donations listed.
Q. What transactions fees are involved?
A. There is a .30 per transaction fee for all transactions, (credit card and bank accounts) and an additional 2.6% on credit card transactions.
Q. Who pays the transaction fees?
A. The parish pays the transaction fees. For example, if you give $10.00 from your checking account, we will enter the full $10.00 on your envelope account with us. That full amount will be on your end of the year statement from the parish. The processing company deducts the fee from the transaction and the parish receives $9.70.
Q. We received an email reminder about our upcoming transaction. Who sent it?
A. If you have set up recurring gifts, the Online Giving system will send you a reminder email 3-5 days prior to processing payment from your account.